In this world, there is really only one true source that we can rely on to make our lives better and to achieve our fullest potential: ourselves. Yes, we may have parents, spouses/significant others, children, grandchildren, other family members, friends, and colleagues who can help us out from time to time, but the only real control over what we do and what we achieve is over ourselves. We can and need to rely on ourselves to achieve our greatest potential; no one else can go ahead and force us to achieve greatness or do the things that we are capable of. We need to convince and motivate ourselves to do it continuously, which means we must rely on ourselves to help us grow as individuals and achieve the great things we are capable of doing.
If we know we have a skill that can help to make a positive impact on our world, others may encourage us to use that skill, but only we have the power to actually use that skill. Therefore, it is vital that we rely on ourselves to get things done, take control of situations, improve ourselves as individuals, and really work to achieve our greatness. No one else can do that for us; they can only control their own inner greatness and bringing it out into the world. We have to do that for ourselves to truly make an impact on our world in the best way we can.
Therefore, it is vital that you attempt to do things for yourselves and learn from your mistakes. It is also vital to broaden your activities and tasks so that you learn new skills and abilities that can help you to grow as an individual and be more confident in various situations. Again, no one can really force you to take on these new challenges and tasks except for you.
It is also important that you do not always look to someone else to handle a situation or an unexpected challenge that arises. Achieving your own greatness means being able to handle unexpected situations and challenges, and there won’t always be someone else there to handle such a situation or challenges; at times, you will be the only one who can make a real difference, which means you must be able to rely on yourself and your abilities to make that difference.
Being able to do so can help you to grow as an individual and enable you to reach your greatest potential and impact your world in the most powerful way possible.